Tuesday 21st December 2021 at 18.30 in the Blencathra Room
PRESENT: Scott Cameron (Chair, SC), Gideon Sharp (GS), David Harding (DH), Dougie Parker (DP), Chris Stockdale (CS), Phil Murfitt (PM)
APOLOGIES All present. | ||
ADOPTION OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the previous committee meeting held on Wednesday 10thNovember were circulated to all five committee members. The final minutes of the meeting were agreed as a true record of the meeting on Wednesday 5th January and published on Friday 7th January. | ||
MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MEETING i. Gate or barrier on the drive – Gate to be procured in near future as well as fence to protect 4th green. GS provided several gate options the cost for purchase and installation is in the £2000 region. PM proposed that a camera is also installed as a deterrent. GS seconded and costs to be explored. ii. Ongoing Scrutiny of yellow book and website – There was much discussion around this topic and consensus was a full review of out-of-date policies and rules was needed to update. There was also a view that the yellow book was not printed but all information to be held on the website so all can access. A group of members across all sections of the club are to be approached for this review so all sections can have input. To be discussed and finalised at January meeting iii. The role of Ombudsman is to be included on the AGM nominations form. There was no interest in this role, and we will readvertise in the coming month. | GS ALL | |
3. | HEALTH AND SAFETY The cellar doorway needs attention and PM is actioning this | PM |
4. | SAFE GUARDING No concerns have been reported. | |
5. | DISCIPLINARIES No disciplinaries this month. | JL |
6. | CORRESPONDENCE i. The orienteering group are to use the car park and facilities on Saturday the 15th for the day. GS will move tee in front of path so that people can use the logging road up to the beacon ii. Correspondence was received from The Rotary Club regarding planting some trees around the course. The MC is grateful for the offer however, there are issues with drainage in the proposed location and would cost a significant amount to rectify properly so have gratefully declined the offer. iii. A letter was received by Sally Tomlinson at this point DH left the room and the content was discussed. SC is taking this forward. | GS |
7. | CHAIR i. The AGM and rule change information was discussed, and more information is to be produced for members in January. | |
8. | FINANCIAL TEAM MANAGEMENT Bank accounts: Current – £127,898.83 PGC ltd – £12,475 Catering – £2,706.71 Building Society £116.462.18 Savings – £716 Development – £34 i. Membership subscriptions have now gone out to all members and having spoken to professionals a lot of members have paid their subscriptions already. ii. SC raised concerns around people that have access to club V1. Particularly regarding GDPR and the security of information. This will be discussed in detail at January’s meeting with a view to limit the amount of people who have access to this. We will speak to each group individually to come up with a solution. CS seconded this. All in favour. iii. The 4 new buggies will be delivered in March 2022. | SC |
9. | FACILITIES TEAM MANAGEMENT i. PM has had a list of remedial work sent in by the caterers and is preparing a plan to address these issues in a timely manner. ii. The cooker is now in place and 3-phase electricity supply is under investigation. PM will provide update at January meeting. iii. There are a significant number of lights that have blown in the clubhouse PM has costed the number of bulbs required but is also exploring the option of changing to more energy efficient lighting. Update to be provided in Jan 2022. iv. The flooring in the back bar is under review. | PM |
10. | MARKETING TEAM MANAGEMENT i. There is now £45,000 in pre bookings for competitions and society days for 2022. This is with no advertising and is expected to increase in the coming months. ii.. The new website is set to go live before January the 1st with all members getting access. Most of the website is designed for visitors and attracting them to the club. There may be teething problems as with any new piece of technology so if you see anything that needs changing, please raise this. | |
11. | COURSE MANAGEMENT i. The 15th hole hazard has been completed. ii. The 15th green is being worked on and will be out of action until further notice. | |
12. | Golf management i. £10 deposit to be taken on all green fees to stop no shows and the club losing out on income. ii. The interactive calendar on the website is now up and running and will provide live updates on competition dates etc. iii. The homeless man has now been removed and has been remanded in custody until the 6th of January, his belongings have been removed from the 10th green toilet. | |
13. | AOB. i. CS raised that there has been no notification from ladies, dad’s army and junior section as to who their officers will be this coming year – Please can this be done ASAP so the membership can be informed via the website. ii. GS suggested a defibrillator be added to the Hoggest so that one is more accessible for the whole course. Costs of this to be explored. iii. The Chairman parking space is to be raffled off in the coming month to raise funds for a project in the club. More information will be sent out via the email system. iv. The Chairman board is to be removed and will be replaced with a competition winners board. All in favour however, which competition is to be decided. | SC |
14. | Meeting closed at 21.30DATE, TIME AND VENUE OF NEXT MEETING – Tuesday 11TH January at 6.30pmIn the Clubhouse. |